Thursday, September 14, 2006

NaNoWriMo prep 1

Inappropratly went to library las night. Got "No Plot, No Problem!" and a better writing workbook. Why is that inapropriate? because I made us late for Norm's swimming lessons at 6:20. When Norm was dressed in trunks and we got to the indoor pool they were getting the kids out because of lightning. (indoor pool? lightning? WTF?) so into the lounge we go and recap the first half of the show.

Started reading to the tune of "Pay attention to me!" from several quarters, and I'm thinking, "Well this is a taste of what writing is going to be like. Only writing is going to be worse."

Norm has taken to yelling "RAR! RAR! RAR!" as a distracting tool for Turner. the kid has carreer in Heavy Metal music just waiting for him.

CRSE's illness could lead to Encephalitis when she told me about the symptoms to look for I had a hard time not laughing. Inability to concentrate, sentences that trail off, clumbsiness, wild mood swings, and so on. CRSE was thinking that these would be hard to diagnose. I was thinking "so that's what's wrong." Wild mood swings only applies to me really, with everybody else she seems prety even keeled. My responses led CRSE to quote the future me "Yeah, it sucks that she's gone, but it was sure fun watching her go." That's right she said it not me. Who are you gonna believe, me or that fever soaked spider monkey with posible Encephalitis?


Blogger luckybuzz said...

OK, I think that the last sentence of this post should be the first sentence of your novel.

10:23 PM  
Blogger crse said...

I agree with LB. Although I gotta tell you, i think the chorus of need freaks will add a nice rythmn to write to. Because i dont see any cessation in that.

8:41 PM  

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